I have a hundred chokers for my fashion, and I cycle them every single day.

Currently, They are all stored in their original plastic sleeves.

This means my routine is as follows.

  • Pick up pile of sleeves
  • Select a choker by shuffling through the sleeves like they are cards.
  • unpack choker
  • place choker on for the day
  • remove choker
  • put choker back in sleeve
  • place sleeve back in pile

I find the task of sleeve management to be frustrating. And would rather have them all organized in such a way so that I may be able to view them, and choose them out as warranted.

What do you say is the best way to store them? (Product, Idea to make, anything)

Edit 1: A limitations I have is that I cannot install anything permanently to the apartment. 😖

  • papertowels@lemmy.one
    20 days ago

    Sounds like you’d benefit from one of those large keyrings.

    They open up at a single point, so in the morning you can see which one you want, move the entire circle of chokers around so that one is next to the opening, open it up, and grab the choker.

    Also, no installation to the walls.