• Arkouda@lemmy.ca
    24 days ago

    You say all of this like it is impossible to scroll back up the thread and see exactly what happened.

    • Dasus@lemmy.world
      24 days ago

      Fucking again. Why do you keep doing this?

      When people read this thread, who do you think they will think is serious about having a conversation; the guy actually recapping the essence of the conversation, and trying to continue it, or the asshat who keeps trying extremely juvenile “tactics” like yelling “fallacy”, saying “you haven’t answered my (bad faith) questions” (which I have) and absolutely refusing to address the subject.

      You asked for books. That was the first question you had, after I said I can provide literature. You then arbitrarily asked for ten books, supposing I haven’t read ten books on the subject. (If narratives are included, I definitely have.) I then provided a lot of literature, emphasising the book “Good Cop, Bad War”, which highlights how the drug war has worked and what is has done, and why it is that it exists in the first place. You can read a lot of that from Noam Chomsky as well, as the “War ON drugs” (not war for drugs, like the opium wars you referred to) began in the States, and Chomsky is really good at breaking down internal US politics of the time.

      You said stupid shit and now you’re too ashamed to back it up because you know you can’t, but you’re also afraid of “not getting the last word.”

      You can’t address the book and literature I mentioned, despite asking for them.

      You conflated wars FOR opium to The War ON Drugs. All these silly things you ignore, because you’re not a big enough person to admit to mistakes, even on a pseudonymous forum. I wish I could say I was surprised, but I’m really not. Kids like you are a dime a dozen.

      • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
        24 days ago

        You asked for books. That was the first question you had,

        From the top:

        Did you ever stop to think that the propaganda you speak of is directly influenced by exactly what steeznson was speaking about?

        First question asked.

        Why do you believe that anti-drug propaganda only began in the 20th century?


        Do you have anything other than wikipedia links to back your stance up? Say, a real study done on the impacts of anti-drug propaganda through the ages which demonstrates that the 20th century was the most militant with it?


        Do you know what Religion is, and its impacts on anti-drug mentalities predating the 20th century?


        Then you said this:

        If you’re honestly interested, you can find tons of literature.

        and I said, without posing a question:

        Name 10 books on the subject including the authors.

        A strong reader would notice the lack of “?” at the end of that sentence, meaning it wasn’t a “question”.

        Do you understand how punctuation works?

        Did you forget that I said I would be ignoring you moving forward? Which to clarify doesn’t mean I won’t respond. It means I will ignore what you are saying and respond to whatever catches my fancy. Which is obviously making you big mad.

        I find it quite funny, which is the only reason I am choosing to continue. You are a joke to me and as long as you keep delivering the punchlines, I will keep coming back with responses that fire you up.

        • Dasus@lemmy.world
          24 days ago

          It is funny that you think I am debating you, or that I owe you an answer to any of your questions when you refuse to answer mine.

          Isn’t it just?

          Because someone listing things like that, answering with oneliners, while yelling out “fallacy” to “win” a debate, isn’t “debating”? Sure, buddy, sure.

          Did you ever stop to think that the propaganda you speak of is directly influenced by exactly what steeznson was speaking about?

          Do you know what a rhetorical question is? Are you pretending you’re really looking for a yes or no answer to your rhetorical question? The answer to your RHETORICAL question is “yes.” Happy? (“Rhetorical” doesn’t mean “not waiting for an answer” btw, which I’m sure you think it does.)

          Why do you believe that anti-drug propaganda only began in the 20th century?

          Perhaps read my comments again to know why I haven’t answered a question asking me about a thing I didn’t say? If you want to be petty and childish about taking things literally and not having a reasonable discussion, then really, why would you ask something this stupid?

          Do you know what Religion is, and its impacts on anti-drug mentalities predating the 20th century?

          I’ve answered that several times. Even in a comment of it’s own that had nothing else in it. Why do you keep ignoring my reply?

          If you’re honestly interested, you can find tons of literature.

          And I stand by that and provided you that literature, which you’ve ignored now for several days, because you weren’t asking in good faith. You didn’t actually want to know any, you’re just being a childish c**t who thought asking for “ten books” would be some sort of impossible intellectual criteria you thought I couldn’t manage. Which definitely tells a lot about what you consider to be “a lot of books.” How many books you read in a year? I’m thinking you’re of the generation who doesn’t read books at all, which is why you asked, but now can’t actually discuss the literature which you asked for.

          A strong reader would notice the lack of “?” at the end of that sentence, meaning it wasn’t a “question”.

          It’s honestly getting to be a bit annoying how childish you’re being.

          Did you forget that I said I would be ignoring you moving forward?

          No, but I’ve had this same exact conversation a billion times (yes, that is metaphorical, not literal), and kids like you always get pissy, start trying to “win” by yelling out “fallacy” (not realising that even if logic was fallacious doesn’t mean the conclusion is wrong), ignoring every single idiotic mistake you make, and then going “I’m done, you’re not worth it” while constantly returning to answer and so desperately trying to “get the last word.” That’s exactly who you are. Like I said, kids like you are a dime in a dozen. You need to up your game.

          You literally referenced Opium Wars, thinking they’re the same thing as the war ON drugs. They were wars FOR drugs. Not understanding the difference between “for” and “on” doesn’t suggest strong reading abilities, does it?

          • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
            24 days ago

            I think you are missing the real question here. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

            • Dasus@lemmy.world
              24 days ago

              See before; “you can’t address anything you’ve even said yourself when I actually answer you, but you still have this obsession over ‘getting the last word’.”

              You just have to reply, but you can’t address anything, despite last time anally listing “questions I haven’t answered.” Like I’ve said, I’ve answered you several times. And like you said, people can just scroll to the start of the thread and read it. So I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing by being this childish.

              • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
                24 days ago

                You just have to reply, but you can’t address anything

                Pot calling the kettle black much?

                Nothing is stopping you from not replying.

                • Dasus@lemmy.world
                  24 days ago

                  I like using forums and discussing even with people who are obnoxious and wrong. I don’t feel a need to stop replying. I don’t have a childish need of “winning” a “not-debate” I’m in.

                  I’m not the one who loudly proclaimed they’re “done” with this debate. Or was it conversation? Your use of “fallacy!” while trying to “win” a debate seemed to imply you’re trying to debate, as did the list form of replying you did in your last comment.

                  I answered all your questions, but I know you won’t address my answers or answer my questions.

                  • Arkouda@lemmy.ca
                    23 days ago

                    Your commitment to this fantasy in your head is rather impressive, even if it is really sad.