It makes me want to crawl in a hole and never speak to anyone again.

    1 month ago

    Just curious, was there a recent event that happened that affects more than just you? Just curious, s’all.

    So. I have had a decent amount of time to think about this kind of thing and I have just become very aware about what I consider private information. If something is super private, I take the appropriate steps to ensure absolute and super paranoid levels of security.

    However, there isn’t much that I could be blackmailed for because if there wasn’t an absolute expectation of privacy from the start, I just expect most information to be public anyway.

    Most “general human things” I still wouldn’t care about. Someone has naked pictures of me they want to share? “Uh. Why?” would be my first question. I am not much different and any of the other billions of humans out there, so if you want to see those, knock yourself out. (I just won’t go out of my way to make or distribute that stuff.)

    You caught me going to a porn site on my free time where I had the expectation of privacy? Sorry, but many people do that and again, I’m just being human, so fuck off.

    I think at the end of the day, I have seen (and done) so much stupid shit that it takes a lot to bother me. While my experience probably doesn’t help you at this moment, it’s fairly important to be aware of your own feelings in cases like this.

    In the most kind way possible: If all else fails and you cannot rationalize the current situation, remember that very few people know or even care about you specifically. Sure, you have friends and family! If they are “real” friends, nothing can get in the way of that friendship. Family is family. The rest of the world? Bah. Fuck 'em.

    Financial loss is another beast and a pain to deal with. Work with your bank and credit cards companies to resolve what you can, if that is the case.

    Regardless, time fixes all so hang in there!