• raspberriesareyummy@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    The theory proposes that hunting was a major driver of human evolution and that men carried this activity out to the exclusion of women. It holds that human ancestors had a division of labor, rooted in biological differences between males and females, in which males evolved to hunt and provide and females tended to children and domestic duties. It assumes that males are physically superior to females and that pregnancy and child-rearing reduce or eliminate a female’s ability to hunt.

    Oh boy, what a load of bullshit to start an article that may very well have a solid point. I lost all interest in reading at this paragraph.

    “It holds” - as if there was only one theory - and everyone who believes that men were mostly hunters and women mostly gatherers would be guilty of the assumptions mentioned thereafter.

    I, for one, only ever heard that due to men mostly hunting (because women were busy with children), men evolved to have a better perception of moving images e.g. small movements of prey in hiding, and women evolved to have a better perception of details of inanimate objects (e.g. finding things to forage). And that explanation - while not necessarily correct - made sense, and is in no way the sexist bullshit that the article insinuates.

    The author of that article is not doing feminism a favor by basically alleging “all who believe men evolved to hunt and women to gather are chauvinists”.

    • addictedtochaos@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      it is just an example how gender stuff infitrates siences like archeology and anthropology.

      “It assumes that males are physically superior to females”

      I hate how this is presented. I have vitamin deficency and i am really weak and lost a lot of weight, but i am still able to lift objects most women would not get of the ground. I weigh 64 kilos. that is not that much for a man.

      this does not make me superior. it is just like it is.

      I want to know how women like it to hunt while pregnant, having a baby on their hip, or small whiny children in tow.

      give me a break. men evolved to hunters because the women told them to hunt.

      they did not want to have them sit around and chew the fat with the children.

      show me ONE women who says the she is worse than her husband in child rearing.

      right, that will never ever happen. maybe if we have a drug addict or a severely cancer ridden person, but no.

      women will die to have their children around. they will not go hunting if there is someone else that wants to do it.

      • raspberriesareyummy@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I think you went off on a tangent. This is not what I was complaining about. Also, I do not have a problem with “gender stuff” - I just have a problem with a lack of objectivity.

        • addictedtochaos@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          but this is what I complain about. but yeah, i went over the rails, you are right. you have a point.

          in that other thread, i mean, where the crosspost is, they talked a lot about patriarchy and stuff.

          and i wondered: if women in the past were hunting and thus using their skill like men do and yada yada, not gender roles like today and stuff, does that mean that there was no patriarchy back then?

              • raspberriesareyummy@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                and i wondered: if women in the past were hunting and thus using their skill like men do and yada yada, not gender roles like today and stuff, does that mean that there was no patriarchy back then?

                But you asked exactly that - and I gave you examples of women that “were hunting and thus using their skill” and there was no patriarchy in some of those systems - even into the present.

                Also - let’s be real - most men nowadays who talk about “men hunting” are fat slobs who couldn’t hunt a chicken with a limp ;)

                • addictedtochaos@lemm.ee
                  2 months ago

                  No, i asked for the past. ancient times.

                  most men nowadays who talk about “men hunting” are fat slobs who couldn’t hunt a chicken with a limp ;)

                  thats sounds like anectdotal evidence ;-)