My laptop isn’t under my supervision most of the time. And I’d hate it if someone were to steal my SSD, or whole laptop even, when I’m not around. Is there a way to encrypt everything, but still keep the device in sleep, and unclock it without much delay. It’s a very slow laptop. So decryption on login isn’t viable, takes too long. While booting up also takes forever, so it needs to be in a “safe” state when simply logged out. Maybe a way that’s decrypt-on-demand?

I’m on Arch with KDE.

    2 months ago

    eh, if you don’t have spinrite or something like it and don’t wanna wipe your device with dd then it works well for the purpose of renewing ssds.

    with the -n flag it will probably help and shouldn’t cause any damage, assuming the problem is that you have an old clapped out ssd.

    remember, you’ll have to run it from a usb boot or something.