An incident which saw two women lock a crying toddler in an aeroplane toilet has sparked an online debate in China on how to manage children in public spaces.

The incident went viral on the Chinese internet after one of the two women, Gou Tingting, posted a video of herself carrying the girl inside the cubicle.

In her post, she presented herself as trying to help others on board, but was swiftly met with backlash.

    2 months ago

    Why do people try to say people aren’t animals. People are animals their entire lives. We aren’t plants, or lamps, or airplanes. I have chickens that behave better than many people. Never once has one gotten drunk and got in a fight, or had a yelling match with someone. They don’t get in car accidents and drive off, steal from stores, murder each other. Mine make so little noise I have to actively remember they are out back. I puppysat a dog for 12 days recently, not a single time did he try to overthrow the government or sue someone. Took 4 days to figure out he could bark. Humans are some of the worst animals around. We murder and rape and destroy ecosystems out of greed or boredom. I had a bacon cheeseburger recently. That means I enslaved a cow to steal it’s milk for cheese, slaughtered another for the beef and had a pig felled for the bacon. I don’t even think bacon on a burger makes it better, I just didn’t want to hurt the persons feelings who suggested/made it.

    ~end rant… strange thing to ramble about at 2am