It looks like ubuntu touch on the fairphone 4 is nearly perfect, and the features that don’t work I won’t miss. I’m very tempted to buy a second hand fairphone 4, but I can’t really find much on the experience of ubuntu touch. How do you install apps? Are there repo’s that I can look at? And is it just branded ubuntu touch, or will any ubuntu apps made for arm work on ubuntu touch? If anybody has some links or personal experiences they could share, that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance!

  • jeffreyosborne@lemm.eeOP
    7 months ago

    Do you know what’s stopping pmOS from supporting fairphone 4? Wouldn’t it be one of the easiest devices to support?

      7 months ago

      I think you are looking at this from a different angle than me. PostmarketOS is a small project which is very dependent on community contributions. The fairphone 4 is community supported and this means it works pretty well. See wiki for more info:

      Most people who come from the proprietary „give money, get product“ world think only official support counts and they will get anything more than community support which is not the case. In the open source world, if you dont have the skills to repair your device, you ask someone to help and often they do for free. If you need it done NOW, you pay someone for it. Its not different than in proprietary land. Fast, good, cheap. Pick two! ;)

      • jeffreyosborne@lemm.eeOP
        7 months ago

        I’ve heard ubuntu touch uses a library from android to be able to use most cameras, but because pmOS is alpine they don’t have that library.