I made a crochet garland for a friend’s son and decided to use some of the leftover yarn for a matching beanie.

I based it off loosely from a pattern in spanish, but it’s very simple. I cast off 90 stitches (88 for the square pattern + 2 as edge), then 6cms (or 12 rows) of 2x2 ribbing. For the squared pattern I alternated knit and purl stiches. After 5 stripes of squares I began decreasing and then closed the cap and sew.

The pattern used circular needles and I reeeeeally wanted to make it work as an approach to knitting in the round for cowls, shawls and what not but I just couldn’t get it. After struggling a whole weekend and literally undoing/redoing the thing 20 times I said “eff this” and switched to straight needles.

I need a knitting in the round knitting for dummies :(