I don’t consider myself very technical. I’ve never taken a computer science course and don’t know python. I’ve learned some things like Linux, the command line, docker and networking/pfSense because I value my privacy. My point is that anyone can do this, even if you aren’t technical.

I tried both LM Studio and Ollama. I prefer Ollama. Then you download models and use them to have your own private, personal GPT. I access it both on my local machine through the command line but I also installed Open WebUI in a docker container so I can access it on any device on my local network (I don’t expose services to the internet).

Having a private ai/gpt is pretty cool. You can download and test new models. And it is private. Yes, there are ethical concerns about how the model got the training. I’m not minimizing those concerns. But if you want your own AI/GPT assistant, give it a try. I set it up in a couple of hours, and as I said… I’m not even that technical.

  • AlexanderESmith@social.alexanderesmith.com
    3 months ago

    I’ve been in my field for 21 years. I make really good money, and have high confidence in my hard-earned skillset. I focus on Cloud Infrastructure and general Linux administration, but I code in a handful of languages to facilitate automation (because I’m lazy). I consider myself extremely well versed in technology in general.

    … Then I watch a YouTube video where some guy hand-solders a motherboard for his custom-designed keyboard, and decides it’s easier to - instead of adapt someone else’s - write his own driver from scratch, then open-sources everything from the PCB, to the CAD files he used to print the case, to the driver itself. Then he uploads the video, titled “Quick weekend project because I couldn’t find the keyboard layout I wanted on Amazon”, and forgets about the whole thing.

    In that moment, I feel like a complete, no-nothing idiot.

    A person with a doctorate in astrophysics isn’t not-a-doctor because they don’t know how to do brain surgery. Hell, a doctor who is a surgeon isn’t not-those-things because he isn’t - specifically - a brain surgeon.

    Don’t sell yourself short because other people do things you don’t (yet, or even ever). You’re a technical person.