Let’s hear some stories from the thready-verse about how you guys met your significant other.

For me it was during the first year of COVID, my company asked who from Europe (I was living in Sweden) wanted to go for a three month business trip to coach a big Korean automotive supplier on how to do modern software development. Most of the other people had families and especially during COVID nobody wanted to travel. I said I could do it, even though I never coached before. But because nobody else volunteered they sent me and and another guy who also was single without a family, etc.

I was convinced that the other guy would have good game with the women here, and thought that there is no harm in installing some international dating app and to try my own luck. During COVID I just lost a ton of weight and found new confidence and it was far away from home and what happens in Korea stays in Korea and so on :D

Anyway, to my surprise during the first two weeks I got some matches and I hit it off with one of them. We met and started dating and very quickly fell for each other. Then when the 3 months were over, I asked the company if the customer would still have some use for my skills and they said yes and send me for 3 more months. I had to go back to Sweden to get a new Visa and spent another 2 weeks in quarantine (as the first time). But then the second tree months were over too and I asked again for more. By that time I was really sick of all the time in quarantine and asked if they could move me from the Swedish office to the Korean office and they agreed.

I went back to Sweden, threw away most of my stuff and put the most valuable things up on a friends attic and moved to Korea with one suitcase. I stayed at AirBnB’s for two more months and then we found an apartment and moved in together.

She has a daughter from a previous marriage and we now have a 1.5 year old son together and we still live in Korea :D

  • JoeyHarrington@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    Met on irc a hundred years ago. Moved to a different state to be together. Got married, had kids, still together livin’ the dream. No regerts. Ragerts. Whatever.

  • FauxPseudo @lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    She was dating my ex girlfriend. They split. My ex recommended she ask me out because she thought we might be a good fit. It’s been 14 years.

    Having a previous significant partner that I split with on good terms has always been a great strategy for getting a new partner.

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    Met last year through online dating, met once when we were able to and sparks flew when I saw he eyes light up at me mentioning that the intersection outside my front door really should be a roundabout.

    Never knew how sexy a politically active dryad could be until I was seeing one whenever we had the chance to meet up. She’s legit like a forest spirit that shows up from congress with the fey courts and immediately wants to jump me and it’s fucking amazing. 10/10, date the witchy ones if you know how to appreciate them, they will have you under a spell you’ll never want to be freed from.

    Maybe it’s second honeymoon phase since we’re getting to see each other for the first time in a few months after I caught a nasty bug, but the needed time apart has just reinforced to me that my life’s better with her in it than it is when she’s not, and if that’s not a healthy foundation for something bigger to be built on, I haven’t found what is yet.

  • henfredemars@infosec.pub
    3 months ago

    At risk of repeating an answer to a similar question some weeks or months ago:

    My wife and I met on a porn site. We caught feelings and met IRL and it was actually pretty great.

    Well, it was not exactly porn but more a popular “adult fanfiction” (almost the same thing) site where we went from cooperative creative writing to something much more intimate. I flew out to meet her and now we’ve been married for about a decade.

    I still say we met because of porn. My first message to her contained a detailed, descriptive, as unceremonious as it was unambiguous list of preferences but it seems to be working out so far.

    • garbagebagel@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      My first message to her contained a detailed, descriptive, as unceremonious as it was unambiguous list of preferences but it seems to be working out so far.

      Sounds like the foundation for great communication to me.

    • Gerudo@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      That’s the way it should be. 1st date…what are you in to?

      Probably save a lot of time on both parties.

      • henfredemars@infosec.pub
        3 months ago

        To be fair, that was the idea behind my first message! Let’s get that squared away so we can get writing, or not without wasting anyone’s time.

  • AceSLive@lemmy.world
    3 months ago


    Ok, so I was 12 years old and had only just moved from England to Australia. First few days of high school I noticed this girl. Normal looking girl - beautiful eyes, but one of those beautiful people that tends to be quiet and go by unnoticed… But I noticed her.

    I was always very outgoing and loud, and she was more quiet and reserved. I loved to do card tricks. I also became incredibly shy when I wanted to talk to her, so I devised a plan

    I laid some playing cards on the corner of my desk and waited for her to walk past. When she did, I knocked them off and we started a conversation…

    Eventually I did a card trick and knew she’d picked the 3 of Diamonds. That card has held significance for us this whole time…

    Through high school we both had feelings for eachother - me, being confident, silly and outgoing declaring my love for her to everyone and asking her out on a few occasions, never looking at the other girls who wanted to spend more time with the English boy who now lives in Australia. I only had eyes for her. I just knew she was the one.

    But for 4 and a half years of high school it never happened. She was too shy to say yes, and I was too shy to ask properly. Sure, I’d slipped her notes and I’d asked on a few occasions, but it never happened. She did say yes once and we “dated” for 2 weeks but nothing happened, not a kiss, nothing. We were both young and inexperienced in relationships and after 2 weeks she said “you’re dumped”… It hurt.

    But for that whole high school time everyone in school knew we wanted eachother.

    Then came secondary school (High school in Aus is year 7-10 when you’re like, 12-16ish in age, secondary is Year 11 and 12 when you’re about 16-18ish)

    In secondary school I met my then best friend… He was a great bloke and we got along like a house on fire. A couple of months into Year 11 he asked if he could ask the girl I loved out… I told him “Why not, she doesn’t want me anyway” so he did.

    They got together and we stayed friends. I was heartbroken but I wanted the best for her and he seemed like a good bloke, and I didn’t want to ruin what they had by being upset or jealous, and I didn’t want to lose my friendship with either of them, so I kept my feelings hidden and eventually went on to date other girls. By this time she and I were about 16…

    The following few years we all hung out with our friends group and they stayed together… I was the best man at their wedding and one of the first to meet their newborn son when he arrived…

    But then slowly we drifted… Id message him and get no replies, or short and careless ones. I’d long since stopped messaging her as usually messaging him was realistically intended for the both of them anyway…

    And so 4 years went by without any contact from either of them…

    Then I had a son. I wasn’t in a good place or a good relationship at the time. Don’t get me wrong, my then partner was fine. She is a good person but we just didn’t fit and I feel I was with her out of lonliness more than love.

    Anyhow, I got a message from the girl I loved through high school congratulating me on my son. I replied and asked how she was, told her I missed them and proposed a catch up with us all. I got no reply.

    Another year passed and I left my then partner. 4 months-ish later, my high school crush had her then husband removed from the house for domestic violence. I found out through a chance encounter with her sister.

    We made arrangements for me to go visit, and so I did.

    I stepped into her house where her family was helping tidy the place and saw her down the long hall at a distance and so many of those feelings came flooding back.

    I walked up and gave her the biggest hug. It felt like I held her forever… Then I got to work on helping tidy the house… Then I met her daughter for the first time. At this point she’d had 2 kids with her then husband. One was 3, the other, 5.

    Through the next couple of weeks I spent a lot of time catching up with her and trying to offer my help where I could. I learned a lot more about my old “friend” and just how controlling, coercive, manipulative and abusive he was for the 17 years they were together. 17 long years that feel as if they were robbed from “us”… But we were so young…

    At one point we kissed. And that was it. Finally, after knowing her for 21-22 years and loving her for so long, we finally kissed.

    It just was right. There was so much going on, court dates to maintain an intervention order against her ex husband, him lying about anything and everything. His manipulation of the court system and even his own children continues to this day… But finally we had eachother and we weren’t about to let go.

    I’d had a vasectomy after my son was born… But after a year of being with her I got it reversed. We now have a beautiful daughter together. We got married, too. Life together is what we should have always had. We both feel it.

    Its tremendously difficult being the stepdad of 2 kids that are being conditioned and coerced into hating you 5 nights a fortnight, but they’re good kids. I’m trying my best for them

    I feel I have a lot to unpack and work through but with 4 kids and working in disability support its next to impossible to afford any kind of therapy, let alone the free time to attend…

    But I love her. So much. And she loves me. I have a tattoo on my side - a silhouette of the 2 of us on our wedding day, surrounded by the clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades suits to symbolise how we met. There are 3 diamonds.

    Through the abuse she endured theres a lot for us both to work through but again, we’re so lucky to finally have eachother. We’re 35 now and spent half our lives apart, despite at one point wanting to be with eachother for 1/3 of our lives to that point… We’re not letting eachother go now. I couldn’t imagine life without her. She is everything to me. I just feel so sorry for our past selves. They deserved so much better.

    I have to keep reminding myself that had we gotten together back then it might not have worked out how it has. We may have grown apart, or not had anything to compare to in order to see how good we really have it…

    I love her. Always.

    I’ve never written that all down before. There’s plenty more to it, but I felt compelled to really delve into it that time. Thank you so much for asking the question.

    • ainokea@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I’m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, no matter how shitty it may be. There’s lessons to learn and things to appreciate and it seems like you guys have both covered. Don’t dwell on the past - focus on the future and things you do have control over. Good luck to you both.

      Edit - thanks for sharing your story.

        • wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          3 months ago

          Having a negative attitude about it to the point you’re aimlessly bitching to random people online doesn’t help. You come across as wanting to shit on other people’s happiness, which is a personality trait that tends to make people not want to interact with you.

          There’s plenty of places online to vent about this and seek assistance if you really want it. More than one “off my chest” community across the various lemmy instances.

          EDIT: In another comment you mention being old enough to potentially have teenage kids. My wife and I got together when she was nearly 40. There’s still hope.

          • Nobody@feddit.org
            3 months ago

            Nothing helps dude. Nothing. I lost any hope, I’m not even sure if I had one, I guess it is what it is, not everyone can reproduce, but still sad I just wish to stop feeling anything so I can live like a robot, doing useless stuff until I die and not caring.

              • Nobody@feddit.org
                3 months ago

                I read about it before but I’m incapable of it, requires certain physical and mental fortitude by default. I’ve failed enough in my “regular not regular” life already, trying a180 out of nowhere will get me… Well, nowhere.

  • pfjarschel@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    My story is kinda cool. TLDR: she stole my cat.

    We lived in the same street, but other than the occasional nod when passing by each other, never really talked. I always thought she was cute, though. Oh, and she was married to a typical abusive guy.

    One day my cat escaped, and after a week of searching, I almost gave up. Then one day she knocked on my door and asked if that cat was mine, because she thought she was a stray, and took her in. She gave her back, apologized, and that was it. But that cat would always find a way to go back to her place, and we kind of agreed to let her have 2 homes. Still didn’t talk too much or anything.

    Years passed, and she finally had enough of her husband, got a divorce, and moved out. Came to ask if she could take the cat with her, and I said that’s ok, she barely came to my place anymore anyway.

    More time passed, we kept a little in touch, but still didn’t really talk to each other. And then I decided to have a barbecue at home for my birthday… I invited mostly people from work, but then thought: “it would be cool to invite her”. And so I did. We talked, and talked, and when we realized, it was already 10 pm (barbecue was supposed to be from noon to sunset). She went home, the next day I invited her out, and long story short, we’ve been together for almost 5 years, living together for 3 and a half years, have 6 cats, and our first son is about to be born.

  • Rob T Firefly@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I’ve been happily married for six years, and we met on a dating app. (OKCupid.)

    It was my first time using such a thing, I was in my late 30s and mildly curious about those apps the Kids These Days seem to like. I installed one and was basically daring the silly thing to work. I figured if I was going to try that sort of thing, I was going to do it in a very practical way. I made sure everything about me I thought might be a red flag for someone out there was featured prominently in my profile:

    • Here’s exactly where I am politically, religiously, etc., my real age, and my firm disinterest in parenthood.
    • Here’s my bisexuality but also my monogamousness, yes those two things can go together.
    • Here’s the neighborhood I live in (not the nearest fashionable one.)
    • Here are a bunch of weird hobbies and pursuits of mine.
    • Here are social and political things about which I’m a vocal activist.
    • Here’s some of the art, comedy, and other creative stuff I do, and a bit of the weirder end of my sense of humor.
    • Here’s the fact that my username there was also the one I’ve used everywhere online for decades (here included) and I’ve had a pretty active online presence since there’s been such a thing, so I’m fairly searchable before you even say hello.
    • Here are photos of me I quite like but also some I think I look particularly fat/old/unflattered in, and ones that clearly show off certain things I like to do with my personal style (for example, I’m a cis masculine-presenting guy who wears nail polish.)

    In addition to filling the hell out of my profile with all this, I had a lot of fun with the app’s survey questions and generally gave really involved answers.

    My attitude on the app was one of blatant honesty. I’d heard so many horror stories about people meeting on dating apps and the person turning out to be nothing like their profile, look nothing like their photo, etc. to the point of false advertising, and I really failed to understand the logic behind that; why lie to someone from the start, as if they won’t actually realize you lied to them when they meet you?

    Another important factor for me was that when I got on the app I was just getting back into dating, having recently taken a long time to work on myself and recover from a toxic and abusive relationship. Among other crappy things, my former abuser had spent the duration of our time together disapproving of and trying to force me to change fundamental things about myself in ways that caused me a lot of long-term harm and I was not interested in going through that sort of thing again. I’d rather someone who doesn’t like thing X about me would see that thing on my profile right up front and so choose not engage with me to begin with, rather than have them get interested but find out that deal-breaker thing about me later and be disappointed. I came at it from the angle of saying “hey, I’m here, this is what I’m like, and here’s a bunch of stuff about me you might not like.” I wasn’t necessarily trying to warn people off, but I wanted to see if anyone out there would see all those things about me and still potentially like me.

    Long story long, it worked. I got messaged by someone who saw my profile and liked it, I liked hers, and we really clicked from the start. (Our first date was meant to be a quick cup of tea at a cafe, and ended up being many hours of walking and talking around town.) We totally fell for one another, dated, moved in together, got married, and six years later are still ridiculously happy. She is literally my favorite person in the entire world. Her weird and my weird mesh together so perfectly, and our relationship has always been based on complete honesty and open communication and sharing. We’ve seen and supported each other through the highest highs, lowest lows, and everything in between. It’s the healthiest, happiest, and closest romance, friendship, and personal relationship of any kind I’ve ever had, and every day we spend together is better than the last. Among a lot of people who know us we’re that obnoxiously-cute couple. We even have podcasts and other creative projects together nowadays, it’s so goddamn gross. 🥰

    • Fredselfish@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Met my wife on OkCupid we have been together over 10 years now. I messaged her because she loved Dragons and claimed to be a Supernatural fan. Of course years later she thought it was an okay show while I was a super fan. But we hit off both loving to write and reat is history.

      • Rob T Firefly@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        They didn’t work for my wife either, until they did. I was a newbie, but she’d been on for much longer and was nearly ready to give up when I popped up on her feed and one thing successfully led to another.

  • Thelsim@sh.itjust.works
    3 months ago

    I met my partner 25 years ago online on a sort of social network website called sixdegrees. They lived in Singapore and me in the Netherlands. I already had a trip planned to SG so ee decided to meet up.
    It was a fun time, but we were both way too shy and insecure to make a move (it was our first relationship :)
    It took another couple of weeks before we finally worked up the courage to admit our feelings. We had a long distance relationship for less than a year before it fizzled out.

    About six years later we got in touch again and the spark reignited. They came to visit me and we fell truely in love. Plans were made and my partner moved to NL two years later. We’ve been together for 16 years now.

  • DashboTreeFrog@discuss.online
    3 months ago

    Introduced by a college friend. Buddy of mine was visiting my home country, we plan to meet up and he randomly and last minute tells me he’s inviting an acquaintance to our meet up. I was a bit annoyed at the sudden change in plans but turns out the rando he invited was a pretty cool lady with a lot of shared interests.

    We went to a concert together that weekend, a comic convention the next and the fun kept going.

  • Apeman42@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    OKCupid. And given what I hear about the state of dating apps today, it feels like we caught the last chopper out of 'Nam.

  • Mikina@programming.dev
    3 months ago

    A random account on FB, with only like one or two mutual friends and a name and profile picture both being reference to Tim Burton’s movies has messaged me because of a photo of me on a local old school goth festival. We started talking and hit it off pretty well, and eventually decided to meet. No-one of my friends knew who she was, I never saw any of her real pictures or had any indication whether I’m being scammed, catfished, or who the hell it is, other than her mentioning that she was part of the local goth scene several years ago, before I started participating.

    We decided to eventually meet before another party, and I went in half expecting I’ll just get a funny catfish story out of it, but I like collecting funny stories so why not. And she promised to bring alcohol, so all I was risking was one awkward afternoon I’d spend getting drunk with someone.

    We both arrived already tipsy, and I was met at the train station with a really nice looking girl carrying three bottles of mead, which we’ve managed to drink on the way to the party. It was amazing experience and we hit it off immediately and it was basically love at first sight. Both of us could hold our drinks well, and we got to the party pretty drunk but nowhere near too drunk - I can drink a lot and be OK (not that I do it too often), and it’s rare when I meet someone who can keep up with me.

    When we arrived, it turned out that half of the people already knows her, because she indeed was part of the scene around five years before my time, before she got into a really bad relationship she couldn’t get out of due to mortage for several years, cutting contact, but she changed her nickname so no one realized it was her I was talking about. She just got out of the relationship by moving out within a day because she found out he was cheating on her, and few months after that randomly decided to message me, because she saw me on photos with her highschool classmate - who was also my best friend who got me in the scene several years before that (I’m around 6 years younger than both of them), and her friend convinced her to just give it a try and message me.

    We’ve been together for almost 6 years, moved together four years ago, and we’ve eventually started DJing and hosting our own goth parties, among other things, while also helping local promoters with their events. All in all, it’s good, but it was a pretty random luck that we’ve met.

  • modifier@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    We met on the internet back when that was still viewed as kinda sketchy.

    We progressed very quickly from being friends to deciding we were meant for each other to having a kid on the way and being married at a very young age.

    I think most people knew we were doomed from the start.

    And I don’t blame them for thinking so, but we’re planning to renew our vows in a few years, when we celebrate our 25th anniversary. Just to twist the knife.

    In all seriousness, I love my wife more than I ever thought I would be capable of loving someone else, and that is a statement that is increasingly true with time, and mutually shared, as it seems we aren’t done falling in love yet.

    But I hesitate to relate this story, romantic as it is (and it is), because it risks validating what was really a series of poorly informed decisions; partially the passion of youth and partially the ignorance of a sheltered upbringing. It so happens we did and do love each other, but there are many unknowable versions of our story where our love would just not have been able to overcome our circumstances. We are beating the odds so far, but the odds are, yknow, the odds.

    But damn I love my wife.

  • EllE@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    In 2017 I was coming out as transgender and looking for a job. Got an interview as head evening manager at a grocery store. Go in for the interview and am not sure if I’m out yet, but the store manager figured it out and was really open and said they had 2 trans people working there already, so I’m like fuck it, get the job and am out.

    One of the other trans people is my right hand person like 2-3 days/week, store manager tries to enthusiastically but awkwardly introduce us.

    Over the next couple of weeks everything goes to shit in the store; manager is fired, lot’s of employees leave, severely understaffed, etc. I’m working like 80 hour weeks and every evening is a battle, and through commiseration and tough days a bond forms between me and the other person. Start meeting every time I have a day off and start dating like 6 weeks after we first meet, and 6 weeks after that we move in together.

    Been together almost 7 years, now. Worked together for the first 3ish.