• kameecoding@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    What’s the issue with public static main?

    And whats the issue with factories? Factories are a design pattern thats not specific to Java, I’d recommend you read the design patterns book and understand why they exist. I also have 0 factory useage stuck in my mind and I have been developing with java since 2016.

    OOP? It’s an OO language ffs, that’s like complaining that C isn’t OO. If you don’t want to use an OO language don’t use one.

    how much code you need to generate for some basic stuff

    Do you mean verbosity because thats only a complaint for people who dont need to maintain stuff long term. Or maybe you misused java for doing something simple where python would have sufficed.

    And then there is the springboot framework that makes shit trivial

    • TheSambassador@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      So a lot of Java hate I think is mostly in jest.

      Personally, Java was the programming language that I had to use for my first two years of college. It’s how I learned OOP, data structures, and algorithms. I had to use Eclipse, which at the time was AWFUL (and maybe still is, no idea). I remember it being semi-normal for it to take over a minute to launch on my (gaming) PC.

      Later on, as I learned other languages and got a job, I just haven’t really had a reason to go back to Java, and most of my memories of it are from being annoyed at Eclipse and needing to implement Quicksort in it. I’m sure it’s a great language and I bet it’s a lot better and more convenient now. It’s just kinda trendy and weirdly nostalgic to hate on it in a half-serious way :) .