I have both autism and ADHD, and I just feel pretty awful since I graduated college. I’m really low-functioning; most of the time, I can’t even get basic household tasks done, much less find a job. My funds are dwindling, and soon paying for HRT will be a challenge. I feel like it wasn’t this bad when I was younger; I’m now 21 and it’s starting to get unbearable. I cannot really get meds cause I don’t have insurance.

  • LemmySoloHer@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Have you checked to see if the state you live in offers state assisted healthcare? There are certain states that will provide free health insurance if you fall below a certain income. From there you can choose a primary care physician within the state provided health plan and get everything from referrals to specialists as well as prescriptions. See if it exists in your area and apply immediately if so. It can be complicated depending on where you live but there are representatives that are paid to help you navigate the application process if it starts to feel overwhelming.