• Everythingispenguins@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Not similar at all.

    First there is already a size regulation. Is that size regulation better for racing? Seeing that almost everyone says it makes passing hard regardless of track. I think it is safe to say no, it is a suboptimal size. Remember they used to be smaller, a lot smaller. So this would be like going back to before tire deg.

    Second you’ll notice that I said

    Plus smaller cars would make racing better at every circuit.

    Clearly I’m not trying to change the cars for one track I’m not sure how you think I said that.

    Lastly if you’re going to argue the Imola is too narrow and should go away. Then you have to argue about all the other tracks I listed because they are all narrower. The cars not fitting is not the tracks fault it is the cars fault.

    If you want to argue lmola is bad for another reason that’s totally fine but if that’s true then why did you respond to a post about car size, instead of something else.

    • GeneralEmergency@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Lastly if you’re going to argue the Imola is too narrow and should go away.

      Never said that.

      What I am trying to get at, is that you can’t force every race to be the same. And trying to is just going to lead to disaster.

      Shrinking the cars isn’t the silver bullet that’ll fix whatever issue people have, especially at a track like Imola. It doesn’t matter how big the cars are if they can only take one line through a corner.

      • Everythingispenguins@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Really you haven’t said much. So I had to infer your argument based in part on you choice to reply to my original comment. All you have said is a vague thing about not making cars for just one track or not making every track the same. Two thing I didn’t say should happen.

        If you are not going to articulate a clear position with some logic behind it or even respond to my position, don’t bother all you are doing is trying to move the goal posts.

        • GeneralEmergency@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Your original comment gave absolutely nothing to go off. What does the “right size” mean? You’ve never once explained that.

          You can watch the WEC race at Imola this year and see that the cars aren’t the issue. Or even the 2005 F1 race. It’s just the nature of the circuit. Something that when I’ve brought up you’ve ignored.

          So your hypothetical question is either, design the cars to do something the track won’t allow, or dump a track that doesn’t encourage overtaking. And I would much rather F1 dump Imola, then get lost chasing shadows. Hence the mention of Canada and early Pirellis.

          Now you’ve also said that I must want other narrow tracks off the calendar. Which is a major leap in logic that i don’t follow. And I’ve no idea how you came to that conclusion.

          Shrinking the cars isn’t going to fix anything. There is so much more at play. WEC Hypercars are bigger than the old LMP1 cars, but the racing is a lot better. Which according to you is physically impossible.

          respond to my position

          I have. Repeatedly. But it is quite hard when I don’t think even you know your position.

          • Everythingispenguins@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            See man that is what I was looking for. A clear position with underlining logic. If you had said something like that from the beginning. Instead of a one sentence jab. I might have agreed with you.

            For me thinking that you had an issue with the width. Is something I had to infer because you responded to my comment about the cars being too wide for the track. Also you didn’t refute it when I made that comment about the other tracks. Instead you started talking about pirelli tires.

            I find it amusing that you don’t think I have not articulated my position. Seeing you actually responded to my position in the last comment. Instead of talking about Canada and Pirelli tires. That seems like pretty good evidence that my position was clear.

            Oh and lastly the question about how small the cars should be. You know that’s a bullshit question right? That’s a full on straw man. Clearly your goal there was get me to not have an answer for it. So you can use that lack of an answer to invalidate everything else I’ve said. Sorry not going to play.

            • GeneralEmergency@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              full on straw man

              I know your statement is. That’s why it’s been hard to respond. I’m still waiting on how you think smaller cars will fix Imola.

              • Everythingispenguins@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                Man if the Monaco race didn’t clearly demonstrate why larger cars make racing worse. There is nothing I could say to change your mind. It is not worth my trouble. You go ahead and think what ever you want to think, I wouldn’t stop you.

                • GeneralEmergency@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  Monaco has always been like that.

                  It’s clear you don’t know what you’re on about, and are just parroting someone else’s opinion. Maybe after a few years of watching actual races rather than tiktok highlights. You might understand racing.

                  • Everythingispenguins@lemmy.world
                    5 months ago

                    Lol so you’re saying that it is okay for Monaco to be boring and have bad racing but it is not okay at Imola? That seems pretty inconsistent. If you must know I was mostly referring to the half lap red flag that delayed the race for an hour. All three incidents that took place in that first half lab can be directly attributed to the cars being too wide for the track.

                    Do you have anything better than petty insults?