I knew I was forgetting something this morning when I left for work 😅 I’ll add a comment later with a picture of what I’m currently working on because I don’t bring my knitting to work, sadly. In the meantime, feel free to add to this thread with what is keeping you up past your bedtime this week 😉

  • @KittenBiscuits@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    image of knitting loom with a few inches of sweater in progress showing

    My first embedded picture post on Lemmy so please forgive if I hose up my notation.

    Also my first knitting project! I picked crochet back up 10 years ago now.

    I’m excited that I’m starting to see the fabric pattern! I hadn’t noticed the last time I worked on it, because it was late and not well lit…

    Pattern at Ravelry

    edit1: Jerboa doesnt like html markdowns even though it shows up in the preview correctly

    edit2: found a markdown suggestion on YSK, helpful… best shortcut I can figure is use Jerboa link tool then add an ! to the front, but don’t be like me and not notice that it added a space between my ! and my [

    • @catsdoingcatstuff@lemmy.nz
      211 months ago

      Is that loom knitting? Looks cool! I’ve only seen it used to make hats and scarves. How big is the loom for a sweater?

      Also, excellent toe beans. :)

      • @KittenBiscuits@lemm.ee
        211 months ago

        I’ve been meaning to reply for several days and kept forgetting. Sorry about that.

        It is loom knitting. This one has 62 pegs total, and the pattern called for 58 for (what i hope will be) my size. I’m using a smaller gauge yarn than the pattern, so my test swatch was coming out smaller, ofc. To compensate, I went up a couple sizes, and basically will measure this panel and compare against my actual clothing measurements when the panel gets a big bigger. I just hit row 60, so about a third of the way done with this piece.

        • @catsdoingcatstuff@lemmy.nz
          211 months ago

          Nice, you are going fast! Do you make the sleeves on a smaller loom and then sew them on? Sorry for all the questions. The thought of making a sweater this way is very intriguing.

          • @KittenBiscuits@lemm.ee
            210 months ago

            Yes and no. The pattern allows to either make them in the round or just flat. If flat, I can use the same loom but just only the number of pegs needed. I’m hoping though that I have a round loom that is right-size for me to do them in the round so i won’t have arm seams to sew. I’ve picked all my looms up from thrift stores, and have 3-4 round ones. I just haven’t looked ahead in the pattern to see how many pegs I need.

  • @kurobitaOP
    11 months ago

    I will also be a daredevil and post my WIP on a Thursday lol Pattern is the Thicket Headband which I’m so close to finally finishing!

  • @catsdoingcatstuff@lemmy.nz
    211 months ago

    My shawl looks the same as last week. I’m at the part where the rows are really long and it takes me awhile to see any progress. 🐢