So you probably have a rule about leaving defunct war machines unattended on your yard without an explicit permit for the exact model and manufacture year
As long as it is properly demilitarized it’s usually fine, you might need a permit for the mount. Most of the issue would probably be leaving enough space to your plot border.
There was some brit living in germany who put a demilitarized tank on his lawn and that is still there
So you probably have a rule about leaving defunct war machines unattended on your yard without an explicit permit for the exact model and manufacture year
As long as it is properly demilitarized it’s usually fine, you might need a permit for the mount. Most of the issue would probably be leaving enough space to your plot border.
There was some brit living in germany who put a demilitarized tank on his lawn and that is still there
A guy near me has two howitzers on the lawn
I have a friend who lives near Rostock with two functional tanks