Big ones. Such clean academic answers left instantly to casual comments, that was weird. I was in smaller subs and never a problem, expecially the pixel dungeon ones and the roguelkes in general. Plant id and similar subs were good too, but i did not depend on those alone, there’s so many resources for that.
I checked in on the trash fire yesterday, and the smaller hobby-oriented subs I’m on were heavily targeted, possibly to keep up the illusion of engagement during the blackout. I didn’t dive into what’s happening on the comments side, but sorting by New was a trip.
But outside of the blackout, yeah, usually I steer clear of the big communities and life isn’t too full of bots.
Big ones. Such clean academic answers left instantly to casual comments, that was weird. I was in smaller subs and never a problem, expecially the pixel dungeon ones and the roguelkes in general. Plant id and similar subs were good too, but i did not depend on those alone, there’s so many resources for that.
I checked in on the trash fire yesterday, and the smaller hobby-oriented subs I’m on were heavily targeted, possibly to keep up the illusion of engagement during the blackout. I didn’t dive into what’s happening on the comments side, but sorting by New was a trip. But outside of the blackout, yeah, usually I steer clear of the big communities and life isn’t too full of bots.