Never pay another DVD rewind fee again! Compatible with all disc formats: DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CDR, CDRW, Audio CD, VCD. Multi-region, code-free rewinder capable of rewinding all 6 region DVD’s including RCE/REA encoded discs

    7 months ago

    I suspect a few people bought this legitimately. When the CD/DVD revolution happened, a lot of the quattrogenarians spent their entire home video experience inundated with “be kind, rewind” slogans from rental shops. Being fairly frugal and not wanting to pay the extra to have the shop rewind the video for them, they would be obsessed with rewinding a video before returning it. I imagine that some used this unironically to appease their elders into thinking that it was “rewound” before returning rentals. It’s useless, sure, but it would have completed the “rewind” step, preventing the unnecessary (and non-existent) rewind fees for mildly dementia ridden elders during the early DVD era. Just having that extra step would appease their need to do it, and prevent complaints and re-explanations that DVDs don’t need it.

    Just put it on the thing, make it spin backwards for a minute, then package it up. It’s useless to explain that you don’t have to do that because they won’t remember it, and the next time they play a DVD, they’ll just be looking for a way to rewind it again.