Title says it, apparently i’ve been “too much” for them to handle (and i recognize i was quite the bag of rocks in 2021).

But these last two years everything had been just fine (i apologized for my misbehavior, i finally got a job), everything was going great.

But now they suddenly felt they’ve “changed and matured” (their words, not mine) and that somehow does not allow us to be friends any longer.

Any advice?

I feel i’m losing my head over this.

  • KazuyaDarklight@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Realistically SOL, move on. You can ask what you’re doing that’s objectionable but you need to be ready to hear it calmly and not try to fight/argue your case and that’s hard to impossible for many. For that same reason it’s a real crap shoot that they’ll be willing to tell you. They don’t want to get yelled at. IF they tell you, and IF you keep cool, then you decide if you want to change. It needs to be because you see value in it beyond the friends though because if you do, then try, but you still need to respect your friends and disengage. Just hope that they see the changes from afar and reach out. They may not. If you don’t see intrinsic value/don’t want to change, cool, move on.