I mean everyone must have done something they aren’t super proud off.
As an example during primary school we had a class trip to the lake district (I’m from N Ireland) we were staying in an old victoriana style mansion (Rydal hall if I’ve remembered right.)
Anyway every one of us kids staying there decided it was haunted immediately and the guy I had to share a room with was so scared he made himself a crucifix out of basically twigs and strings.
I’m not sure why I did it but while he was sleeping I broke his crucifix apart and then put joke shop blood all over it. I woke up to him, crying this eyes out and just decided never to admit it was a joke or me who did it.
I’m interested in Similar stories.
Convinced several people in high school that mixing mineral turpentine into their drinks was a good idea.
I was doing it too but still seems pretty messed up to take others down with me.
So uh, why’d ya do that?
Because we were young and stupid. It only happened once - once was enough.
But I mean, what was the goal? Was it supposed to get you high or something? I’ve never heard of this and couldn’t find anything when I looked it up
We were hoping it made you drunk faster but most likely we just got kidney damage and neurotoxicity.
What can I say, it was hazardous being a bored teenager in the days before the internet.
You should’ve just drank bong water instead.