I want to run a Wordpress site, where users can sign up and publish their own blog/journals. Its for a niche hobby, where each user can sign up, and start sharing their experiences and updates they do with their hobby.

My initial plan is to have a main front page feed with updates from all uses, but also a page for each user to group their posts. Also options to follow each user and intergration to ActivityPub.

How would you suggest I did this? Do I need any plug in, or would a vanilla installation work fine for it?

  • jqubed@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    You could do it that way; I think the only drawback would be that everyone would have access to everyone else’s media uploads, but there may be a way to adjust permissions so that someone in an author role would only have access to media they’ve uploaded. I haven’t looked at that in a long time but that sort of seems like that was an option, or certainly could be a plugin.

    I’m not sure if there’s a default way to let people sign up as authors, but from a spam-prevention perspective it might be better to let people sign up as commenters and then request their accounts be promoted to authors; I wouldn’t imagine an automated WordPress spam bot would ever understand that it could request promotion to author, so anyone who asks is probably human.

    Overall that’s probably going to be a simpler method, just needing some relatively minor tweaks from a typical Wordpress installation.