• Aceticon@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    In case you haven’t noticed the blocade of Israel on Food, Water and Energy for Gaza (not to mention their destruction of hospitals in there) and Israel’s very own propaganda attack on the biggest humanitarian help organisation in Gaza - the UNWRA - which was without hesitation, disgracefully and shamefully used by countries such as Germany and the US to cut the very funding to the UNWRA that goes to keep Gazans alive, the Israeli Government is most definitely trying to starve Gazans to death, which is cheaper than using Zyklon B but the outcome is the same (it’s actually worse as starvation is a very painful and very slow way to die whilst Zyklon B was faster and painless).

    It’s not a Nazi-level Holocaust yet but the Israeli government (along the nations “unwaveringly” supporting this genocide such as the US and Germany) are most definitelly trying hard to either mass murder Gazans (in many ways, from bombing them to destroying their healthcare facilities and starving them) or pushing them out using terror and starvation as weapons.

    Just because the concentration camp in Palestine called Gaza doesn’t look like a bunch of sheds with old fashioned razor wire around it but instead looks like an overcrowded city with walls and patrols around it and Israeli gunboats patroling the coast, you haven’t yet seen hundreds of films made in Hollywood decrying it (and probably never will: notice how the biggest massacre ever, in Rwanda, has no fancy Hollywood movies reminding us of it), and the sharpshooters murdering women and chidren in it don’t zig heil each other, doesn’t mean this is not a modern version of the Holocaust in the making.

    You stop the Holocaust before it becomes a proper Nazi-level mass murder of people due to their etnicity, you don’t just wait until it becomes “just like the Nazi Holocaust” all the while excusing your inaction with “it’s not quite like the Nazi Holocaust [yet]” only to turn around after it reaches Nazi-Holocaust levels and claim “there’s nothing we could’ve done”.

    • lemmytellyousomething@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      8 months ago

      to cut the very funding to the UNWRA that goes to keep Gazans alive

      Where is the point where you mention that there is proof that multiple (at least 12, maybe more) UNWRA people have actually been involved in the massacre on Israel last year? Oh, you ignored that fact…

      which is cheaper than using Zyklon B

      Reading this is disgusting.

      It should be clear that the more people get killed there, the harder it is for Israel to get support from the Western world in the future. There is no reason to do what the Nazis did and “kill as much as possible of a specific group” here.

      It’s not a Nazi-level Holocaust yet

      So, you think, it’s only a “Mini-holocaust”? Or a “10% holocaust”? I’d suggest not using the word if it does not fit.

      To make this a more productive dialog: Given the fact that what happened can’t be undone: What would you suggest Israel to do now?

      • Aceticon@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        There is no proof!

        “Israel says” is the entirety of the “proof” and anybody who activelly helps one side of the conflict starve the civilians of the other side based on nothing but the “word” of the side that’s doing the starving are cold calous biased sociopaths and if that bias is because of the etnicity of the people on those sides, that makes them cold, calous racist sociopaths, and that racist motivation is painfully obviously in this case for nations such as Germany and the US because for years their politicians have been harping on and on about Israel being a “Jewish Nation”, something wholly irrelevant for anybody but a racist.

        I don’t suggest shit for Israel to do because they’re as out of control as the Nazis once were and will not do the right thing without being forced to do it (and they’ve became like that because of the unwavering support of large racist nations)

        The fairest solution for that is the two state solution according to the borders set in the agreement that was done way back by Isaak Rabin and Arafat - the very same that Bibi totally undermined in his first time on government after one of his supporters murdered Isaak Rabin - and that has to be imposed on Israel by the rest of the World through massive sanctions and a blockade, and before that happens this racist sociopath shit of “unwavering” support because of the etnicity of its people for a nation committing massive atrocities against civilians of a different etnicity, has to stop.

        Germany is siding with racist sociopath mass murders because of their race, AGAIN, and that, at least for me, it’s a huge dissapointment because thinking that any act, no matter how horrible and how driven by deep racism, is excusable because of the etnicity of those doing it, is the way of thinking that was used to underpin support for Nazism.

        • lemmytellyousomething@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          8 months ago

          Come on… Do you really think that multiple governments are like “Ah, Israel says that, so it must be true. No need for further research. We ignore that we have intelligence agencies… We cancel support for UNWRA now!!!”.

          I don’t suggest shit for Israel to do because they’re as out of control as the Nazis once were

          WTF am I reading there??? Is this a new hobby? Comparing everything with Nazi Germany? Let me guess… Netanyahu is as bad as Hitler? I’m sorry, but I don’t even want to read the rest of it… It’s too much of a buzzword bingo at this point…

          I just want to tell you what I think is the “best” outcome at this point. And I think, the “best” outcome would be a permanent solution, not what we had before, because that led us to where we are now…


          1. Hamas loses power completely (their main goal is to get rid of Israel, so there is no permanent peace with them)
          2. Netanyahu loses power (even far before the massacre happened, he proved that he is not interested in a permanent peace)
          3. New governments agree on a 2-state-solution (or 3-state-solution)

          There is no step 3 without step 1 and 2.

          IMO, most of the other “solutions” (especially those that let Hamas in power) bring “peace” for a few years, but make sure that afterwards, this decade-long disaster continues for many more decades. This shit needs to end forever.

          • Aceticon@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            The US Administration admitted that their only source for the accusations about UNWRA employees in Gaza was “intelligence provided by Israel”, so clearly their decision was taken based entirelly on “we trust Israel” and then the usual suspects followed very quickly, all or almost all being the ones who always declared “unwavering” support for Israel (one could call them The Cohalition Of Racists since they’re also the ones that always harped about the whole “Jewish Nation” thing, a concern that only makes sense for racists), clearly motivated by something else than the conclusions of a proper, independent, investigation of the claims.

            There was a permanent solution, then a far-right Israeli extremist murdered Isaak Rabin, then Bibi got elected by the majority of Israelis and promptly renegued on the permanent solution.

            Renegotiating a 2-state solution is just a stalling strategy from the racists because they know everytime it was done in the past it just served to force the Palestinians to accept more of the status quo of land stollen by Israel in the meanwhile with their “colonates”, and was always eventually reneguede upon by Israel when it stopped being usefull and in order to capture more land.

            More such negotiations now would just reward Israel for taking more land and killing more Palestinians since the last such negotiated “solution” (on which Israel as always renegued once it wasn’t useful for them anymore) and then proceeded to steal more land and kill more innocents.

            The only solution is to go back enough that Israel loses all it has stollen in the meanwhile and all the gains from stealling Palestinian land since the Far-Right got into power in Israel and started a systematic policy of stealing Palestinian land and killing any Palestinian that resisted it, and the only way to make sure any solution is permanent in the face of systematic Israeli lies and breaking of their own international commitments (“unwaveringly” protected by the members of the Cohalition Of Racists such as the US and Germany) is massive sanctions and a blocade until they comply and the same afterwards if they renegue on it in even the smallest of ways.

            There cannot be a permanent solution without serious external punishment for breaking their commitment when the stronger side systematically renegues on it when they see fit with no consequences, steal more land and consolidate again afterwards by “negotiating” the next such “permanent” solution.

            For decades Israel has shown itself to be even less trustworthy and more murderous than Russia (which must be some kind of record) and needs to be treated like you would treat any other such violent rogue nation.

            As for the Nazi comparisons, go take it with Bibi and his bunch of Fascists demanding a “final solution”, suggesting Gaza should be nuked, calling Palestinians very explicitly “human animals” and “violent” along with murdering more civilians, more journalists, more healthcare workers and more humanitarian workers in a short time frame than everybody but the Nazis (in some cases, more than everybody else ever, including the Nazis) - they’re the ones that in their Fascist Racist words and violent deeds have transcended (especially in terms of violence) every other genocidal Fascist regime in modern history but the Nazis.

            Had they not broken all records except the one of the Nazis of racist violence by a state, everybody would still be comparing them to Appartheid South Africa, not to the Nazis.

            Don’t want to be compared to the Nazis, don’t use their style of propaganda and their etnic cleansing deeds as inspiration.

            • lemmytellyousomething@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              8 months ago

              The US Administration admitted that their only source for the accusations about UNWRA employees in Gaza was “intelligence provided by Israel”

              Where is the source for that?

              And what does source mean? If Israel sent video material that shows UNWRA employees murdering Israelis, that should be enough, right?

              There was a permanent solution, then a far-right Israeli extremist murdered Isaak Rabin, then Bibi got elected by the majority of Israelis and promptly renegued on the permanent solution.

              Nice… And this is exactly why this war continues… Because of shit in the past. But with that logic, there will be no end.

              Renegotiating a 2-state solution is just a stalling strategy from the racists

              Who are the racists now? Are you actually classifying a whole nation as “racists”? That would be kind of… racist.

              The only solution is to go back enough that Israel loses all it has stollen in the meanwhile

              And now, let’s take a moment and ask, whether this is realistic… I’m not from Israel. I’m not from Gaza or the West Bank… But I can assure you that this is 1) not the only solution and 2) not really realistic. And I think, this is not actually the main wish of the people there. They are both sick of the never-ending war. That’s their main problem.

              massive sanctions and a blocade until they comply

              Comply with what? Retreating from Gaza, so that Hamas re-gathers power, so that this conflict can go on forever?

              Let’s assume, it happens like that… Hamas (remember: they state that their main goal is to destroy Israel) builds new rockets, waits for 2 years and shoots them over the border again and kills a few hundred more people… What then? Don’t you see this never-ending cycle, that can’t be broken with Hamas in power?

              As for the Nazi comparisons, go take it with Bibi and his bunch of Fascists demanding a “final solution”, suggesting Gaza should be nuked, calling Palestinians very explicitly “human animals”

              Alright, the buzzword bingo begins again… No, thanks.