As a kid i loved watching the next generation and deep space 9 with my dad. Ive always liked sci fi, more of a (stargate fan) and wanted to get back into star trek, but Im just so lost on timelines and whats going on. There are like 6 kirks and I have no idea how/where to get started with watching this again.

    1 year ago

    Ok, so as a starter, I’d recommend that someone going by the above do a kind of seven episode primer on Star Trek and what it’s about. Moral/Ethical philosophy.

    TOS - Balance of Terror, is preemptive aggression ever justified?

    TNG - Measure of a Man, what makes a person a person?

    DS9 - In The Pale Moonlight, do the ends justify the means?

    VOY - I’d go with Equinox parts I & II over Year of Hell, but also a “do the ends justify the means.”

    ENT - Judgement, is justice arbitrary or universal?

    Skip DISCO, plenty of issues to be examined but each one takes a whole season.

    Skip LD, there’s a few issues but they’re not as well presented.

    SNW - Strange New World

      1 year ago

      +1 for Equinox. The Void from season 7 also covers similar ground, with a dose of ‘maybe Starfleet’s ways of thinking are correct’.

        1 year ago

        There are good prime directive episodes, but on a whole they just aren’t good intros to the shows.

        For example, Pen Pals from TNG has some great moments. The crew indulging Data, everyone knowing Data has an emotional connection with the little alien girl, except Data. Good discussion about the morality of intervention. And a large chunk is Wes being whiny also pretty goofy make up on alien girls hands. It’s good, but not an intro to Trek good.