I’ll start: I tried to move a bookshelf while drunk about 6 years ago and tore a tendon in my shoulder pretty damn good. It still bothers me sometimes if I move it wrong or sleep on it wrong.

  • GONADS125@feddit.de
    9 months ago

    I was about a story and a half high in a magnolia tree when I was about 10, and I had walked out on one branch, holding a smaller branch for balance.

    I didn’t realize the one I was standing on was dead, and it snapped at the trunk… The small branch I was holding wasn’t enough to hold my weight, and it snapped too.

    The branch I was standing on bounced off the springy ground that was many years worth of shedded leaves, and it hit me in the lower back just before I was about to land on the ground.

    It caused a minor fracture in a vertebrate, and caused me a lot of pain at the time, but I didn’t complain because I didn’t want to be “a little girl” (I had two unforgiving older brothers). When I was in 8th grade, I had my first back ache and had x-rays which found the childhood fracture which mishealed due to not being treated.

    It still causes me a lot of trouble whenever I’m bent over for long or if I have a back ache.

    Both of my hands have some scar tissue which gives me some trouble about 1/11 of the times I do a pinching/clamp kind of grip. Those injuries were from sticking my hands in a dog’s mouth to pry his mouth off of my dog’s throat last year. At first, all my might wasn’t enough, and he chomped the fuck out of my hands.

    Then my adrenaline kicked in and I pried his mouth open like it was nothing. I then kind of suplexed and wrestled the dog so mine could be taken to safety. I don’t regret it one bit, but it was definitely a stupid thing to do… but I can still play the piano just fine!

    I also came dangerously close to losing an eye from a tooth or nail. It happened so fast I’m not sure what did it. Here are some pictures.

    • Landless2029@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Wow that sucks.

      I wonder what the correct procedure would be to pry open a dog’s mouth.

      With a croc you can pry it open and hold with less effort than your account. I would hope since a dog is less armored one can strike at the head/throat to knock it out or cause it to go slack…

      Edit: that rabbit hole got dark


      If that happened with me and a pet/child think wrestle the dog down and elbow the throat is best course of action.

      • GONADS125@feddit.de
        9 months ago

        Well this dog’s head was bigger than mine, and I remember from Mythbusters that a medium-sized trained attack dog they used as an analog had around a 500-600 pound bite-force. So this German Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix definitely had a greater bite-force than 600 pounds.

        I later learned the ‘proper’ way to separate fighting dogs is to pull them apart by their hind legs. You’re less likely to be bit that way.

        I love my dogs as much as my human family members, and I just went caveman and charged in like an idiot…

        • Landless2029@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          100% I’d have gone for the jaws myself. Hands be damned. I’m just wondering what’s the best way to deal with it.

          Looking into it all articles are about preventing conflict or what you should do if YOU get bit.

          Not how to get a dog off a child/pet…

          • Hrothgar59@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            Walking my dog one day and met a random stranger also walking his dog, he bent down to pat my dog and his dog attacked mine, the stranger used his hands to pry open his dogs mouth and got bit. I took my dog to the vet to get stitches, and explained what happened. The vet informed me the best way to stop a dog biting down on something is to insert your finger in its arse, I have never had reason to use this knowledge so far.