Speaking about Russia’s large-scale attack on Ukraine on 29 December, US President Joe Biden has emphasised that Congress must act quickly to approve more aid for Kyiv.

Source: European Pravda with reference to the White House

Details: The American president stressed that the most recent Russian attack is “a stark reminder to the world that, after nearly two years of this devastating war, Putin’s objective remains unchanged. He seeks to obliterate Ukraine and subjugate its people.”

  • AA5B@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    The US as well. If we can’t even follow through with keeping Ukraine supplied, at no danger to ourselves, are we really ready to escalate to WWIII over some small European country most Americans can’t find in a map? I like to think I have a good understanding of the situation but I’d have a hard time supporting that. Arming Ukraine is a good investment, strong support for the fundamental idea of NATO even if they are not a member, and it’s finally a conflict with a clear right and wrong where we can be the good guys. Direct military involvement can easily become the end of civilization.

    Let me even put it to anyone here from the Balkans. Of course you don’t want an aggressive tyrant to invade. Of course you don’t want the death and destruction, loss of freedom and human rights, from being invaded. But are you really demanding potentially the end of all civilization in your defense?