Assume that the future can change based on your actions, so any historical information that you bring along with you from the intervening 25 years may quickly drift out of the new realities history.

Edit: also assume that you can be given a healthy 21-year-old body if you want or take your previous self’s place.

Further, identification will be provided for you if you were not born at that time.

    11 months ago

    See I think that you’re thinking too “directly” which would make you enemies and draw too much attention. Coming out of nowhere with unproven ideas 20 years in the future… People are going to ask questions.

    By owning my own green energy and biotech companies I could hire the people who would eventually make the breakthroughs themselves and drop breadcrumbs in front of them “You know I was reading your paper on blah blah blah and I’m by no means an expert but it seems to me like yadda yadda yadda might be worth looking into” because when I back the money truck up for the 3 leading researchers into Lithium Ion batteries in the world because I’m “Passionate about green energy” it stands to reason that we would make radical breakthroughs and patent them.

    And I was just lucky enough to buy a lot of bitcoin when it was cheap and sell just before peak, I got out of real estate just before the crash in 08. I supported presidential /Prime Ministerial candidates when they announced they were running because “I have faith in you Mr Obama”

    I dont need to make breakthroughs, I just need to make sure I surround myself with people who will make them and ensure I get myself a cut of the profits. Me being involved will have people lining up to pour their money into the pile.

    Oh and while I’m at it Ill cozy up to that sick fuck epstein and sink his boat way fucking earlier.