• MacN'Cheezus
    11 month ago

    People like you are literally the reason I don’t live in Germany anymore.

    You sound like the kind of person who’d chew out his neighbor if their kids make as much as a peep during Mittagsruhe but start mowing the lawn at 7am simply because it’s legal.

      • MacN'Cheezus
        11 month ago

        Says the guy who literally got his panties in a twist because I forgot to mention the pickles in a Fleischsalat while making a JOKE.

        • @rainynight65@feddit.de
          11 month ago

          I pointed out that your JOKE was shit. You’re the one who started calling me names, so don’t lecture me on twisted knickers.

          • MacN'Cheezus
            01 month ago

            The only thing I called you was “German Police”, are you telling me that’s an insult? I thought the police were a respectable and upstanding part of the German people and steadfast protector of Recht und Ordnung.

            Come on man, if I had tried to insult you I’d have chosen completely different words, like Fleischsalatnazi, Korinthenkacker, or Oberstudienrat. But I was merely making fun of your complete and utter inability to take a joke because it forgot to mention the obligatory pickles, which, let’s be clear, is simply a wonderful example of why Germans are widely regarded to have absolutely zero sense of humor.