I’m worried for the world. All I’ve been thinking about is WW3 and this shit makes me want to vomit. I can’t even smoke weed anymore without having a near panic attack. I feel unmotivated. I wake up and immediately just want to go back to bed. I’m not trying to spread fear but the Doomsday clock is 90 seconds till midnight, during the Cuban missile crisis, it was 7 minutes before midnight. Can we just have one day of fucking peace? Can everyone just stop for one day and enjoy one day of peace?

  • @oxjox@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago


    I think people who worry about things outside their control might be missing out on things that really matter most in their lives.

    I grew up during the Cold War era. It was pretty tense and, at least from my personal perspective, it seemed much worse then than it does today. The days after 9/11 were even worse. It really all depends on your geographic location though (I’m between NY and DC). If you’re in Gaza right now, yeah, you should be worried. If you’re in Oklahoma, go play in the mud and enjoy your life.

    Things will get worse. They always have. Humanity deals with it. It’s not a good formula but it’s what we’ve got. I’d be much more worried about the population of the planet exceeding its natural resources and the continued loss of jobs to automation and slave labor (the unrelenting promotion of consumerism) than I would WWIII.

    Not to dismiss the legitimate atrocities that are taking place across the world but I think your issue might be too much media consumption. The media is getting worse faster than the world is. Everything is rage bait to garner viewership and ad revenue and attention and profits for stock holders. Limit your media consumption to your passions and hobbies and to neutral journalism like AP and PBS. I mean, I can’t tell you how many articles I read from formerly-legit news outlets that have little to do with a click bait headline now. It’s so frustrating that even the news has a bias now - even when it’s biased towards my preference.

    With all the energy you’re putting towards worrying about the entire planet, I’m sure your immediate community would benefit from a fraction of that concern.

    Edit: Invest some time is setting up an RSS reader. Use it as a filter for the news you want and trust. Fill it with things you’re interested in, blogs, local news, world news, neutral news outlets, newsletters, etc. I’m in the Apple system and have been using Big News for about a year. I like that it gives you an email address to subscribe to newsletters so they don’t fill up your inbox.