So this year I grew some tomatoes for the first time. They were small but tasty.

In November they began to die, so I cut all dry/dead parts and they got better. But they still look very unhealthy.

Do tomatoes survive the winter? Does it make sense to keep watering them? Like once a week, when it doesn’t rain.

Or maybe I should let them die and seed again next spring?

(Ignore the dog. She refuses to let me alone in the balcony lol)

    26 months ago

    It depends on where you are, and what your winters are like. Where we are they’re already dead and gone, but friends who are closer to the equator still have theirs producing. There isn’t information in your post to give an accurate answer, but if you provided your location there would be more to base an answer on

    • @vsisOP
      46 months ago

      Oh, you’re right!

      I live in northern Spain and I don’t expect to get subzero temperatures over here. 5°C should be the minimum.