basically the title, how can I tweak a desktop theme so it fits more my colour scheme?

Edt: I’m using cinnamon and seeking to tweak a custom desktop theme i downloaded.

    28 months ago

    What desktop environment are you running? (E.g. cinnamon, mate)

    What have you tried so far? Have you used Settings->Themes?

    What parts of the theme are the wrong color? (E.g. background, taskbar, desktop icons)

    • @A_Chilean_CyborgOP
      48 months ago

      Yes, sorry for forgetting to specify I’m using cinnamon, and yes, more specifically I’m seeking to edit the color palette of a given desktop theme I downloaded so it fits perfectly with my colour scheme, as if there is some documentation I can read on how to modify custom desktop themes.

        8 months ago

        I haven’t tried this myself, but I found a resource that might help. I hope it’s not too out of date (2018).

        Edit: Remember to make a backup of any files before changing them.
        Also found this on mint forums.