• Corgana
    59 months ago

    So nice to see this perspective! Somehow a few years ago it felt like the entire internet became obsessed with rating everything. I feel the same way, it’s all Trek!

    • @Stamets@startrek.website
      59 months ago

      Yeah same here. For certain franchises (Star Trek and Star Wars are two great examples) people tend to get really angry over whether or not something is “good” or “bad”. Most of the time it’s subjective but what difference does it make? Sure. You can focus on something and get really frustrated over whether or not something lines up to what you want but it doesn’t matter. It happened. Sitting there stewing in it and getting frustrated enough to write a novel over something you supposedly “don’t care about” feels… strange. I’d rather just let the people who like their stuff to do their thing while I do my thing. Giving it a numerical score and trying to categorize how good it is is a fruitless endeavor that has no ending. Just give things a chance. If you don’t like it then move on. If you do like it then you have a new thing.

      That’s how I found out about a new awesome show called SurrealEstate. HIGHLY recommend. Thanks @StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website

      • Corgana
        39 months ago

        Exactly. And often “what I want” is to be pleasantly surprised by something I didn’t expect to like. How can I experience that if I only stick to what I know I like? (obv don’t get me started on algorithmically suggested media)

        • @Stamets@startrek.website
          39 months ago


          Seriously though… check out SurrealEstate. I mean, you don’t know me or anything so you’ve got no reason to trust me, but I highly recommend going in and watching the first episode completely blind. I had zero idea what to expect but it’s a really well made show. Better yet, it’s filmed where I’m originally from! If you don’t like the first episode then you probably won’t like it but if you’ve got even a hint of intrigue then I recommend sticking around for it.

          I’d explain more about the show but I don’t want to spoil too much. If you go in blind then the first episode is a trip and a half and really sucked me into the show. It’s serious and funny, relaxed and tense. Strikes a great balance and is truly well made.

          • Corgana
            9 months ago

            Well, if your taste in Television is anything like your taste in memes I’m sure I’ll love it

            • @Stamets@startrek.website
              39 months ago

              Give it a chance! It’s a Canadian show on CTV but can also watch it on SyFy in the US. I have no idea where to stream it but it’s worth looking into. It’s really really cool. The first 15 minutes had me hooked because I was just so confused as to what the hell was going on. If I had looked into it more I would have had a better idea but going in blind really made me feel like one of the characters in the show which helped connect.

              Also beautiful landscape shots of Newfoundland. Can’t go wrong.

                • @Stamets@startrek.website
                  39 months ago

                  I think it technically takes place in the US but yeah. It’s not ‘Sci-Fi’ though. It’s more… ‘Fantasy-Drama-Thriller-Comedy’.