Seriously, when it comes to telling people that they are full of sh*t (and also kicking-ass), she’s the best. 🖤

  • GranixoOP
    310 months ago

    You didin’t need to be so rude. And you should totally watch JJ, she IS a dark, depressed queen 🖤

    But i also like Ursula’s villiany a lot 👑💅 so i did definetly felt the punch haha

    • PrettyBlackDressM
      310 months ago

      Sorry thank you for posting I appreciate it. I guess the description is kind of confusing for this sub I’ll have to reword it maybe.

      Basically, the point is to be pessimistic and shit on the joy and happiness of the post.

      And turn all the positives into negatives.

      Like one of those friends who is ridiculously negative to where it’s just absolutely over the top.

      Like they’ll turn you just saying hello to them as a fucked up personal attack.