I’m reminded of this:
The king himself rode a horse and shot arrows at a deer. However, the horse stumbled, causing him to fall off, but he was not injured. Looking around, he said, “Do not let the historians know about this.”
— The Veritable Records of Taejong, Vol. 7, article 4
Mark Zuckerberg did not address Meta’s $25 million settlement with Donald Trump that will see the company paying $22 million for the eventual establishment of the Trump Presidential Library.
My biggest surprise is that trump wants to establish a presidential library. Probably has some plan to steal the money from there.
I want to be able to be able to talk about stuff openly, but I am also trying to like, well, we’re trying to build stuff and create value in the world
His presidential library is just going to be a bunch of fast food restaurant menus.
Oh and handicapped golf scores
And a copy of “The Art of the Deal” alongside an illustrated translation of “Mein Kempf”.
Ooo both signed!
If he only took a glance at the very straightforward privacy settings…
☑️ I don’t disagree to not disable the disability of Facebook to not share my conversations with 4721 untrusted data unpartners"
There are a bunch of things that I think are value-destroying for me to talk about, so I’m not going to talk about those.
I hate Facebook and that they will ban people, without notice, unless they record a video selfie from multiple angles, and then still sometimes permanently ban people even then, without a way to pay to prove the person is real or talk to someone or even get a reason for the ban. I also think Facebook is an arm of the government and is not really a company (quasi-governmental) and is basically a corporate rebranding of LifeLog and Zuckerberg probably got a 1600 on his SATs and was recruited to join the government while in high school.
So that all being said, despite my hatred of Facebook, what he is saying isn’t that illogical.
Let’s say Zuckerberg personally supports trans rights and thinks Trump is an idiot. He can’t say that in a meeting that will obviously have leaks. It would be “value-destroying.” Say what you want about Zuckerberg, but most people with enough intelligence don’t hate trans people because they understand science and how prenatal hormone conditions and epigenetic conditions means that sometimes internal senses of gender don’t match biological at birth sex. (Musk is the rare exception to this and it seems like his reaction comes from ego and anger about being estranged from his daughter and autism/lack of empathy, and so he’s a weird data point that doesn’t neatly fit if we take his reaction at face value.)
So let’s say Zuckerberg wants to say “We support trans and gay people, we have to do this so Trump doesn’t go after us to remain profitable and not end up needing to decrease our head count, I hate Trump.” If he said that, someone would immediately leak it, Trump would go Ape Shit, and the company would lose value.
It’s hard to know for certain if this is what he’s talking about, but if he is, this isn’t really something to fault him on.
Facebook labeling linux as somehow evil, on the other hand, is a bizarre and shitty thing to do, so fuck Facebook and fuck this asshole who is letting linux be labeled as a cybersecurity threat. I also think Facebook doing this is because government, which has backdoor is Microsoft and Apple, doesn’t like linux and sees it growing in popularity and so I believe the government requested Facebook do this. I can’t fathom a social media company would do this for no reason on their own, it makes no sense, but if Facebook is Lifelog and always has been Lifelog and Zuckerberg gets his orders from someone else, then it would make sense that they implement policies regarding labeling linux as bad to try to keep their backdoors in as many user’s OSes as possible.
He can’t say that in a meeting that will obviously have leaks. It would be “value-destroying.”
What’s the point of having “Fuck You Money” if you don’t say “Fuck you” when it matters?
It’s all about who you can say it to. As much as elmo is probably trying to change it, right now the dystopian future of shadowrun hasn’t appeared, and the various governments are still the big dogs in the pound. See brazil for a recent example. Even apple, famously trying to thwart regulations, has eventually caved to the EU on the charger issue, as another example.
Say what you want about Zuckerberg, but most people with enough intelligence don’t hate trans people
Eh… intelligence is helpful, but in the end does not inoculate one against BS opinions. Musk is (supposedly) intelligent and toxic as hell, Richard Dawkins is (definitely) intelligent and a fucking TERF. fuck, Jordan Peterson (for all his faults) is a demonstrative intelligent man… he’s just also an asshole and wrong about a multitude of things.
I’ll do a reverse reductio ad Hitlerum and say that a lot of people who had substantial enough communication with Hitler considered him very intelligent. Just, well, unhinged, with an itch he couldn’t scratch, with murderous overvalued ideas … But misjudgements usually used to justify calling him a corporal limited in perception are big because a man shouldn’t have such power, not because the particular man who had was dumber than the rest.
they stopped the linux thing after backlash
What was the Linux thing?
do you have a attention span of 0.5 seconds?
Every other executive and most of the management in the country deals with this. Hell even the lowest level of workers deal with this in the opposite direction. Probably 3/4 of the white collar workforce deals with this.
We’re all working under the same constraints here.
In my immediate private and professional spheres, I have a pretty good idea of who will or will not keep a secret. In that mental list, 10% of it is easily wrong that is highly situation-dependent. Each one of them that would pass the information on has their own private and professional sphere whom they think won’t pass information.
It is simply not possible to pass information to your entire company without expecting it to get out.
It might piss him off but it’s absolutely to be expected. If you want to tell your company that Trump has you by the balls without getting in trouble, you say: We have recently made some very controversial changes to our policies. We as a company do not support these controversial changes and and we are not able to disclose details about the situation, We are being coerced to make these changes, and we really have no choice other than to comply or severely modify the operation of our company.
That right there tells you what’s going on, But in such a vague method that it can’t be reported back to the orange goblin.
Even the Zuckerbot trends towards nazism
If I’d had to bet whether this was The Onion before clicking this link, someone would be breaking my knees next week.
This timeline is absurd.
Instead of wordle, we need onionle
Something like this? https://github.com/tiquthon/onion-or-not-the-onion-drinking-game-2
Some time ago this was also up, but now it isn’t: https://github.com/SchaeStewart/OnionOrNot
Basically this search: https://github.com/search?q=onion+not+onion+game&type=repositories&s=updated&o=desc
People really do end up with the face they deserve.
No, his is far too unbruised, his nose isn’t broken, and he appears to have all of his teeth.
It is also still attached to his shoulders
To the pain!
Hopefully we can also force him to use a 'murican hospital and have his healthcare plan deny paying anything. That would be fun
Oh the irony
I had an uncle that had a problem with leaking. Ended up just having to wear a diaper everywhere.
Your uncle is Donald Trump?
If he had the right plumbing then a zip tie would have also worked.
I can imagine that works well. Once.
Technically, it’s a permanent fix
“There are a bunch of things that I think are value-destroying for me to talk about, so I’m not going to talk about those…”
Well have you thought about not being a piece of shit 😂
Like, isn’t that an admission that your business has no value?
No not at all, but it is an admission that they know what they’re doing is wrong and they just don’t give a shit.
Everything this dipshit says should be on Facebook
After all, he said age of privacy is over (or something similar).
I hate Facebook and that they will ban people, without notice, unless they record a video selfie from multiple angles, and then still sometimes permanently ban people even then, without a way to pay to prove the person is real or talk to someone or even get a reason for the ban. I also think Facebook is an arm of the government and is not really a company (quasi-governmental) and is basically a corporate rebranding of LifeLog and Zuckerberg probably got a 1600 on his SATs and was recruited to join the government while in high school.
So that all being said, despite my hatred of Facebook, what he is saying isn’t that illogical.
Let’s say Zuckerberg personally supports trans rights and thinks Trump is an idiot. He can’t say that in a meeting that will obviously have leaks. It would be “value-destroying.” Say what you want about Zuckerberg, but most people with enough intelligence don’t hate trans people because they understand science and how prenatal hormone conditions and epigenetic conditions means that sometimes internal senses of gender don’t match biological at birth sex. (Musk is the rare exception to this and it seems like his reaction comes from ego and anger about being estranged from his daughter and autism/lack of empathy, and so he’s a weird data point that doesn’t neatly fit if we take his reaction at face value.)
So let’s say Zuckerberg wants to say “We support trans and gay people, we have to do this so Trump doesn’t go after us to remain profitable and not end up needing to decrease our head count, I hate Trump.” If he said that, someone would immediately leak it, Trump would go Ape Shit, and the company would lose value.
It’s hard to know for certain if this is what he’s talking about, but if he is, this isn’t really something to fault him on.
Facebook labeling linux as somehow evil, on the other hand, is a bizarre and shitty thing to do, so fuck Facebook and fuck this asshole who is letting linux be labeled as a cybersecurity threat. I also think Facebook doing this is because government, which has backdoor is Microsoft and Apple, doesn’t like linux and sees it growing in popularity and so I believe the government requested Facebook do this. I can’t fathom a social media company would do this for no reason on their own, it makes no sense, but if Facebook is Lifelog and always has been Lifelog and Zuckerberg gets his orders from someone else, then it would make sense that they implement policies regarding labeling linux as bad to try to keep their backdoors in as many user’s OSes as possible.
Good people don’t turn their backs on their ethics and beliefs for money, even if it’s a lot of money
double post
Now that’s an amazing headline.
Imagine being worth 229 billion, and you look like that.
This realities Bond villains are so pathetic looking.
He’s no Hank Scorpio, I’ll tell you that.
Hank actually cared about his workers, too.
“Homer, when you get home, there’s gonna be another floor on your house!”
Drugs and lack of sleep does that to you.
Drugs and sleep have no effect on cyborgs
I cyborg wouldnt be so pathetic, he is definitely a homunculus a la Full Metal Alchemist.
he could at least find a better haircut than pube fro.
I have the same hair and it’s fucking impossible
It dries and frizzes immediately. If you don’t have time to care for it daily, it inevitably looks like this.
Same I just get it cut short every eight weeks. Speaking of which i’m overdue.
this isn’t some schmoe like you or me, he’s a billionaire. he can afford a daily stylist, or at least before conference calls.
It’s ok not to spend time and money on looks. No matter how much money you have. There’s no obligation to look good for anyone. The way he looks is not the problem with him.
of course it’s not “the” problem with him, we are clearly circlejerking here.
and i’d say as the founder/ceo/face of a company you do owe it to the company, including the employees, to look presentable.
He owns the company, he can represent it anyway he wants. If he owes anything to his employees, it’s fair wage (I have no idea how fairly or not he pays).
It’s an improvement over his last haircut. He looks like he actually goes outside sometimes now, too.
He is rocking that sun bed tan line(the white eyes and live over the nose), which to me makes it look like he never actually does go outside. And does seem to have a bit of an orange tinge to him as well.
How far has that “democracy” sunk.
He was going for Roman Emperor with the last one, but he neglected to consider the shape of his head. I really don’t know what haircut would look good with his strangely shaped face/head.
Ye olde brown paper bag with a smiley face drawn on would be a step up.
This look feels like the opening sequences of Dazed & Confused.