This issue started after the bug that prevented Apex from launching a little while back. What I could capture in the video is a light example. The flickers go away in windowed mode but it has performance issues.

I have tried a all combinations of the below:

  • Fresh installs of Arch Linux and NixOS
  • NVIDIA 545/Linux Zen 6.7 and 550/6.8
  • Proton Experimental, Proton Hotfix, Proton GE 9.1, and Proton GE 9.2.
  • DX11 and DX12 versions
  • with and without gamemode

It’s worth noting that all EA games started behaving weirdly (Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 5). All three of these games take too long to launch and sometimes fail. They all have the flicker from the video but not as much as Apex.

It’s not a hardware issue because other games do not have any new issues.

I cannot find any other reports of this. Any ideas what to try?