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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Our current ML Neural Networks work (simplified) like this: A neuron emits a number and the next neuron calculates a new number to emit based on all the values given to it by other neurons as inputs. Our brain can’t fire numbers in this way. So there’s a fundamental difference. Bridging this difference to create NNs that are more similar to our brains is the basis of the study of Spiking Neural Networks. Their performance so far isn’t great, but it’s an interesting topic of research.

  • I dont see why, tbh. This feature is only needed by users of tiling WMs with (super)ultrawide monitors. A niche in a niche. Normal floating WMs work fine with ultrawide monitors, you are constantly resizing and moving windows around anyway and simple snapping takes care of the rest. Windows 11 even lets you snap exactly into the setup described above.

    Also, there are good plugins for supporting tiling for GNOME (I know its in PopOS, not sure how to get it into the normal one) , KDE, and even Windows

  • One thing that has been stopping me from switching to Wayland is that I have a 32:9 screen and usually virtually divide into a 16:9 in the middle and then an 8:9 on each side. This works well enough on Xorg.

    I would love to see this implemented in Hyprland and I opened an issue for it a while back. The maintainer says that the workload seems too large and he is uninterested. I’ve racked up quite a few upvotes though and it seems like quite a lot of people would be interested in this.

    I’ve glanced over the code and I think it shouldn’t be extremely difficult to add a layer of indirection between workspaces and monitors as an initial PoC. Dont get me wrong, this will still take more than a week to get running which is why I sadly havent found the time to do this myself.

    If you could maybe look into it there may be possibilities to split up the work a bit. I dream of a world where you can dynamically add and remove virtual outputs and it’s all animated - very long way to go until then.

  • The issues here are largely with the EU which stops it from being sold in stores. For now, possession is legalised and you can have all previous arrests made because you were carrying up to 25g permanently removed from your record. It also legal to grow at home.

    In this sense, it is legal for personal use but not for commercial use. To get access to weed, they will be rolling out “cannabis social clubs” in summer in which you need to be a member to be allowed to buy weed. These clubs are not allowed to make a profit. There is a plan to later do some tests with commercial usage but its not clear where that is on the roadmap.

    It will be interesting to see if this will have any effects on the EU. I can imagine if more countries want to support the legalization that some hurdles can be removed there.

  • aDogCalledSpot@lemmy.ziptoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlcodeStyle
    8 months ago

    I think Rust actually is actually among the best in this regard for the simple reason that there is consistency given by the compiler. A simple cargo fmt and cargo build will fix or warn you about everything. I can read into Rust codebases so quickly. C++ was always really exhausting because most of the time you were just getting used to the code style.

  • but if 100,000 people try, it will probably find a false match at some point

    Which is fine, because if 100,000 people made an attempt to guess a four-digit password, someone would almost certainly guess it right (probabity is more than 99.99%). If four-digit codes are the fallback, then the fingerprint just has to not offer worse security.

  • I’ve been to both school with and without uniforms. As I said, I only witnessed bullying based on clothing in the schools with uniforms.

    For the schools that did, I often bought mine discounted or second hand, and still I’ve yet to be bullied about my clothing compared to when I only had my dilapidated wardrobe

    I still don’t understand why money put towards uniform could not have been put towards better leisure clothing.

    I’ve been consistently bullied less often in schools that have a uniform, regardless of the topic.

    I neither believe that school uniforms create more bullies, nor do I believe that all schools with uniforms are bad. I think that uniforms are a huge waste of time and money that makes many children miserable - of course some will also like it, as you have made quite clear.

    You could argue that this is correlation and not causation

    Whether uniforms are normal or not really depends on the local culture so there could be any number of things at play of why there was less bullying or why you may have felt more comfortable in general. Attributing everything to uniforms sounds reductive.

    For the vast majority of the world, uniforms are the norm and even mandatory in many countries.

    The vast majority of countries also still use corporal punishment. I don’t value their opinions on education.

    There is a reason why schools, hospitals, soldiers, and prisons have uniforms

    to legitimize an institution and instill discipline.

    Do doctors and nurses need to be taught discipline? Prisons use the lack of individuality as part of a punishment. Wearing something stupid is supposed to make you unhappy. For military this is true though but these are adults who know what they are getting themselves into. These aren’t angsty teenagers trying to find out who they are and instead being forced to wear things they hate.

    When schools are already understaffed and underfunded, the lack of a uniform makes it even harder to keep students in line. When students wear uniforms, their individuality stops being just about how they look and starts being about how they want to be perceived by others through their actions.

    In the school where I had to wear a uniform there were quite a lot of children from socioeconomically disadvantaged homes. There were quite a lot of kids who acted out and made life difficult for teachers and other students. There was far less of this in the schools without uniforms. It’s a socioeconomic thing. Uniforms don’t change that.

  • In Melbourne, Australia there were stores like that in pretty much every shopping center and they would just have all the usual colours and you would buy the ones your school wanted you to.

    They would have different fabrics at different price points. We all looked the same from afar but there were differences up close.

    I find it interesting that there weren’t any sets with the school logo at your school. My school used these to raise a bit of money and would buy them back and sell them second-hand as well when you were done.

  • I think you are making a blanket statement about uniform systems and attributing all the bad things from a few to all of them.

    I already touched on this and said that the best ones are the ones that give you the most freedoms. The very most freedom is had without any uniforms at all.

    I would know because I spent a good 5 years living on just two suitcases drifting from home to home

    How did this look when you moved somewhere with uniforms? You probably had to buy new uniforms and you would be able to give them away when you moved away again. That money could have been put towards buying something newer and nicer for yourself instead.

    Saying “there will always be something to bully” as a counterpoint to how bullies will always find something to bully is pretty dismissive to how much it hurts to be bullied for one’s appearances.

    The problem is that one’s appearance isn’t just the clothes you wear. How much does it hurt to get bullied for facial features, hair, skin colour, accent, pimples, issues possibly related to a disability? Bullies can also just pick any part of your body and make fun of that because most people dont have a perfect body. Everyone has something that is not perfectly adherring to body standards.

    I just don’t see any reason to believe that uniforms would make it more “difficult” to bully in any way. Bullies don’t blanket bully everyone who wears X or does Y. They are predatory and choose specific type of person to bully and then just fling everything at them and see to what that person reacts.

    I get that being bullied for your clothes may not look a big deal to you because you’re a grown adult. But that’s not how many teenage minds work. Small things like that can be detrimental to their self esteem.

    I totally understand that. But the only time I, personally, ever saw someone get bullied for their clothes was when that person was wearing uniform that was in clearly poor condition because that kid had it really rough at home. On the other hand, I’ve noticed people attempting to bully me for traits of my personality. They weren’t satisfied with my reaction so they went on to bully someone else instead but the point still stands. Could school uniform have protected me from that? Does school uniform make me less nerdy?

    I’m sorry you had to go through all of that growing up and I hope you’re over it now. I just feel like you’re giving school uniform too much credit.

  • It conceals socioeconomic differences.

    It doesnt even do that.

    • Do you have the cheap generic stuff from the uniform superstore?
    • The higher quality stuff from the uniform superstore?
    • The fancy stuff with the school logo printed on it?
      • This year’s version or last years?
    • How worn is your stuff
    • Is it a hand me down or second hand?

    These things are actually very easy to see. But you actually dont even have to go that far. Any kinds of accessories can give you away quite quickly but the worst offenders are school uniform shoes. You have to get these from the shoe store and they come at all price points.

    Bullies will always bully


  • Ive also been to school in countries with and without and I find that absolutely none of the good things people attribute to school uniforms are true.

    1. No pressure to dress well. Except that either a) you can buy better or cheaper fabric school uniform or b) the school makes new designs every year or two of the uniform and students that cant afford to buy new clothes every year or are buying second hand are easy to pick out.
    2. What about earrings, rings, hairstyles. School uniform shoes need to usually be bought from outside of the school and those come at just as many price points as normal shoes.
    3. I guess thats true
    4. This totally depends on the school you’re going to and what you personally like. If you are going to a fancy private school then you might have to wear a tie a lot which could be annoying to some. My sister had to wear skirts that went to her ankles which she didnt like. I was in a public primary school so you could wear pretty much whatever you wanted as long as the colours were correct which makes me pretty lucky. In the best case, you arent restricted but that often isnt the case once you are done with primary school. If you can buy your own clothes you can always pick something that fits you and is made from material you like.
    5. And stupid for enbys that are still finding themselves when uniforms are clearly for men or for women. Its much easier to find something that suits you personally if you can pick from everything instead of a reduced set that forces everyone to fit into one of two groups.
    6. Wardrobe malfunctions are less likely to happen if you dont need a whole second wardrobe for things you only wear to school and take off immediately when you come home.
    7. Kids can reuse hand me downs in any case.
    8. You can recognize your friends just fine without the uniform. Youre also not likely to wear the uniform outside of the school, because if you do anything that isnt perfectly exemplary behaviour while in school uniform and a teacher gets wind of it (and believe me this happens in the suburbs) then you (apparently) tarnished the school’s reputation forever. Also, you take it off because its ugly and because you dont have a lot of it and have to make it last before it goes in the laundry.
    9. Maybe from a distance? Up close people can very easily tell what your body type is.

    There is absolutely no merit for school uniform. They’re exhausting to deal with. They kill your self expression which is important for teenagers especially. Often schools take it too far and try to send the pupils back into the 17th century. My sister wasnt allowed to wear make up. If you were seen with make up there were wet wipes at the front of every classroom so the whole class could see you wipe off your makeup. School uniform socks are just a greedy money making scheme.

    And most importantly, they dont do anything against bullying. Kids dont bully each other for clothes because they actually mind the clothes. They bully because they want to bully. There will always be something. And there are better ways to work against that than forcing all children to buy a second wardrobe and suffocate anyone who is trying to express themselves in an unconvential way.